SWISS EQUITI is a value based private investment company in Aberdeen, United Kingdom. It concerns itself with acquiring shares of wonderful companies across the globe, with particular interest in the American stock market. To De-Risk, we implement the concept of Margin of Safety which has Quantitative and Qualitative aspects. In terms of quantitative analysis, we question the financial numbers of the company-from top to bottom, what is left for the owners, how prudent the company management is with the "Tap" of earned and borrowed money as well as equity, what assets the company has, what level of return invested capital generates for the business as well as what price their shares go for. Whilst on the qualitative side, we question the line of company business, what structural competitive advantages it has, we examine their competitors, also check out the quality of those leading the company.

Some of our guiding principles are:

  1. 1. We invest for long term gains
  2. 2. We dislike companies that abuse debts or have a pile of it-they are ticking time bombs
  3. 3. Before investing, we look beyond the veil of the company name-the quantitative and qualitative aspects.
  4. 4. In looking beyond the veil of company name, it must also have structural moats necessary to have a competitive advantage.
  5. 5. Never lose money .